Friday, June 13, 2008

Cryptic Providence opens tonight, 5- 10 PM

I planted approximately 1,600 "bells" between last night and this morning. The video to the right was made at around 7 PM last night with the installation in progress. More footage will be up this weekend if you miss experiencing them for yourself.

If you live in the area, the opening is tonight with live performances, a film and tours of the cemetary. Please join me and all of the other wonderful artists who have created work for this historic site in Providence, RI. Click on the link for ArtTix to the right for more information and schedule.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just me, the birds and the June bugs

Well, I needed to wait for the grass to be mowed, so I started this evening, which was just fine. I had an idea it would take me at least 4 hrs. to set up the larger part of the field. It took me a little longer than that, and I still have a tiny bit tomorrow, but I'm not so off the mark.

A cemetary is not just a place for mourning the dead, as it provides a natural respite within the city for wildflife. This became more apparent than normal as I was setting up and could be quiet and observe. I felt besieged by Robins. The grass is so dry, I could not figure out what they were eating until dusk and I could take off my sunglasses. Apparently it's mating season for June bugs and they were having a lovely time in the grass! There are many other birds besides Robins who make happy homes in the trees and bushes. I have seen Junkos, Rose Breasted Grosbeaks, Grackels, Starlings, Chickadees, Pigeons and a Blue Heron to name a few.

By the time I shot a little bit of video with my Cannon Elph, the windy part of the day had died down. It was too bad, as there was a lovely tinkly and tinny noise, just what I want. The heat had finally gone down and the moon was just rising overhead. I really enjoy looking at this installation by taking thr long the distance of the field, the bells begin to look like floating stars or fire flies. It wasmy intention to make a piece that not only made sound, but was visually potent. I love viewing and listening to sound art, but when the technology breaks, or the parts don't work anymore, is it still art? I wonder this often when I view installations in museums. I don't wnat anywone thinking that with mine!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Today I begin to install all of the bells. I finished early over the weekend, much to my surprise! I always try to add another 20% to the time frame of a project. There is always something unforeseen. Hopefully not tonight!

To the right is a calendar on which I will post when the installation is up, and when it is not. The field where it is installed needs to be mowed several times a month. I have some very generous volunteers already, but if you would like to help out, please contact me!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

1,300 cans of beer on the wall, soda and tea cans as well...take one down., pass it around

So as of today, I have 1,300 separate pieces done. 350 to go for the big installation next Friday. Whew! I hope to be done this weekend so I can gear up for the planting.

A note about the difference in cans:

Having collected beer, soda, Goya, Red Bull and Arizona Iced Tea cans, I am surprised that each one has a different thickness. I thought there would be similar gauge by regulation. When I first started cutting them up, beer cans had the thinnest walls, then soda, iced tea/fruit drink cans had thicker walls, almost impossible to cut. I am wondering if the fruit flavorings are so acidic that the cans need to be thicker. Then I started thinking if the fruit drinks are eating away at the cans, what's going on when we drink them? Anyone have any answers for me?